The Golden Girls Quote

Rose: [to Sophia] Let me tell you about a lesson I learned when I was a little girl in St. Olaf. If you hold a bird gently, the bird will stay, but if you squeeze the bird, his eyes will bug out. [Sophia stares at Rose blankly; Blanche, listening off to the side, looks pained] And Mr. Pet Shop Owner gets very huffy and he won't let you touch the birds anymore. And the mice, he won't even let you...
Blanche: [hurrying over] ROOOOOOSE... what is eight times six? [Rose begins counting with her fingers.] Okay, now that we have a few minutes... I think Rose made two very good points. One, not all psychotics are dangerous; and two, honey, you have to let go. Dorothy's capable of making her own decisions. Does any of this make any sense to you, Sophia?
Sophia: Not completely. I still think Rose has the capacity to kill. [Walks away]
Blanche: [Realizes Rose is still counting] Oh Rose, sorry honey, pencils down.
Rose: I could've used a pencil?

TV Show: The Golden Girls


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