The Golden Girls Quote

Dorothy: Ma, what are you doing up?
Sophia: Disappointed, huh? If I'm up that means I'm alive, and if I'm alive it means you can't get your hands on my money.
Dorothy: What are you talking about?
Sophia: You know about the will. You know if I die you'll be on easy street. What did you do, Dorothy, slip cyanide into my mouthwash? Ha ha, the joke's on you, I don't use it.
Dorothy: Oh Ma, come on, you're just being silly. [pours a cup of tea] Here, have some tea. [gets a mysterious, sinister expression on her face] It'll relax you.
Sophia: Nice try, Dorothy. Rose, you taste it.
Dorothy: Rose, DON'T!!! ... [calmer] That tea was for my mommy.
Sophia: You try to do right by your kids, and you end up as the lead story on Hard Copy!

TV Show: The Golden Girls


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