The Golden Girls Quote

Blanche: Rose, could I see you for a moment?
Rose: [walks over] You're mad, aren't you?
Blanche: Rose Nylund, every man I know is watching this show, this live show, this live show about lesbian lovers of Miami.
Rose: Every man you know is watching? Hey, we could beat The Price is Right!
Dorothy: Rose, we can't kill you here because there are cameras. Now how did this happen?
Rose: Oh, I don't know. They just said they wanted two women who loved each other and slept together.
Dorothy: We DO NOT sleep together!
Rose: Yes, you did! Last month, whe-, when Blanche was having her room repainted because the plaster behind her headboard all fell out!
Blanche: Listen. I'm not going through with this!
Rose: Blanche, if you leave, they'll fire me!
Dorothy: Good. My mother is here. My teacher is here. Good!
Rose: If I lose my job, I won't be able to do anything but... sit home and tell St. Olaf stories!
Blanche: Blackmail! Oh, ho, ho, ho, very smart!
Rose: Hey, they don't call me "Harold Goldstein" for nothing!

TV Show: The Golden Girls


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