The Great Escape Quotes

Bartlett: Virgil, isn't it?
Hilts: Hilts. Just make it Hilts.

Movie: The Great Escape
Herr Kuhn: [to Bartlett] Squadron Leader Bartlett, if you escape again, and are captured, you will be SHOT!
Herr Kuhn: [to Von Luger] Heil Hitler!

Movie: The Great Escape
Lt. Cmdr. Eric 'Dispersal' Ashley-Pitt: [watching Hilts be brought back into camp] I didn't think he'd get caught so soon.
Bartlett: He wasn't caught.

Movie: The Great Escape
MacDonald: Oh my God, they found Tom.

Movie: The Great Escape
Ramsey: Colonel Von Luger, it is the sworn duty of all officers to try to escape. If they cannot escape, then it is their sworn duty to cause the enemy to use an inordinate number of troops to guard them, and their sworn duty to harass the enemy to the best of their ability.

Movie: The Great Escape
Sorren: Roger, who's going to handle security for this lot?
Bartlett: You are.

Movie: The Great Escape
Bartlett : One has to ask some very strange things in the job I have.

Movie: The Great Escape
Sedgwick : Danny, do you speak Russian?
Danny : A little, but only one sentence.
Sedgwick : Well, let me have it, mate.
Danny : Ya vas lyublyu.
Sedgwick : Ya ya vas...
Danny : Lyublyu.
Sedgwick : Lyubliu? Ya vas lyubliu. Ya vas lyublyu. What's it mean?
Danny : I love you.
Sedgwick : Love you. What bloody good is that?
Danny : I don't know, I wasn't going to use it myself.

Movie: The Great Escape
Colin : Afraid this tea's pathetic. Must have used these wretched leaves about twenty times. It's not that I mind so much. Tea without milk is so uncivilized.

Movie: The Great Escape
Hilts : I'm going... out.

Movie: The Great Escape
MacDonald : Oh my God, they found Tom.

Movie: The Great Escape
Sedgwick : It's all right. It's all right, mate. We're just having a friendly little argument.

Movie: The Great Escape
Hilts : I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or from the air, and I plan on doing both before the war is over.

Movie: The Great Escape
Von Luger : Are all American officers so ill-mannered?
Hilts : Yeah, about 99 percent.
Von Luger : Then perhaps while you are with us you will have a chance to learn some. Ten days isolation, Hilts.
Hilts : CAPTAIN Hilts.
Von Luger : Twenty days.
Hilts : Right. Oh, uh, you'll still be here when I get out?
Von Luger : [ visibly annoyed ] Cooler!

Movie: The Great Escape
Hilts : How many you taking out?
Bartlett : Two hundred and fifty.
Hilts : Two hundred and fifty?
Bartlett : Yeh.
Hilts : You're crazy. You oughta be locked up. You, too. Two hundred and fifty guys just walkin' down the road, just like that?

Movie: The Great Escape
Hilts : Wait a minute. You aren't seriously suggesting that if I get through the wire... and case everything out there... and don't get picked up... to turn myself in and get thrown back in the cooler for a couple of months so you can get the information you need?
Bartlett : Yes.

Movie: The Great Escape
Colin : Thank you for getting me out.

Movie: The Great Escape
Von Luger : It looks, after all, as if you will see Berlin before I do.

Movie: The Great Escape
Bartlett : Hilts, how do you breathe?
Hilts : Oh, we got a steel rod with hinges on it. We'll shove it up and make air holes as we go along. [ to Ramsey ]
Hilts : G'night, sir. [ Walks out ]
MacDonald : Why didn't anyone think of that before? It's so stupid, it's positively brilliant! [ face falls ]
MacDonald : Oh, but it'll bring every goon in the camp down on top of us!
Bartlett : I don't know. Perhaps we're being too clever. If we stop all the breakouts, it will only convince the goons we must be tunneling.
Ramsey : I hope it works. If it doesn't, those two will be in the cooler for an awfully long time. [ cut to Hilts and Ives being escorted back to the cooler covered in dirt ]

Movie: The Great Escape
Bartlett : [ of the Americans' vodka ] In the three years, seven months and two weeks that I've been in the bag, that's the most extraordinary stuff I've ever tasted. It's shattering!
MacDonald : Well, I think it's rather good... Well, with your permission, sir, I think I'll all on kives. Er, call on Ives.

Movie: The Great Escape
Hilts : Hold on to yourself, Bartlett. You're twenty feet short.
Bartlett : What do you mean, twenty feet short?
Hilts : You're twenty feet short of the woods. The hole is right here in open. The guard is between us and the lights.

Movie: The Great Escape
Bartlett : What about the goon towers?
Hilts : That's a chance you're gonna have to take. But they're gonna be watching the compound, not the woods.

Movie: The Great Escape
Ramsey : Colonel Von Luger, it is the sworn duty of all officers to try to escape. If they cannot escape, then it is their sworn duty to cause the enemy to use an inordinate number of troops to guard them, and their sworn duty to harass the enemy to the best of their ability.

Movie: The Great Escape
Sergeant-Hauptmann Strachwitz : What are you doing over here by the wire?
Hilts : Well, like I told Max here, I was trying to get my...
German Soldier : [ Voice ] Achtung! [ Von Luger enters ]
Von Luger : What were you doing by the wire?
Hilts : Well, like I told Max... I was trying to cut my way through your wire because I want to get out.

Movie: The Great Escape
Ramsey : Roger's idea was to get back at the enemy the hardest way he could, mess up the works. From what we've heard here, I think he did exactly that.
Hendley : Do you think it was worth the price?
Ramsey : Depends on your point of view, Hendley.

Movie: The Great Escape
Sergeant-Hauptmann Strachwitz : I will not take action against you, now. This is the first day here and there has been much stupidity and carelessness... on both sides!

Movie: The Great Escape
Hendley : Come on, Roger. We all know the score here, at least... most of us do. Your idea of this escape is to... start another front, to foul up the Germans behind the lines. All right, that's fine, that's fine. But once we get passed that barbed wire, once we have them looking all over Germany for us, that mission is accomplished. Afterwards, we have some ideas of our own.
Bartlett : You mean getting home? Back to your family and children?
Hendley : That's right.
Bartlett : Good God, man. Do you really believe I haven't thought about that, too?

Movie: The Great Escape
Bartlett : Not Colin. He'd be an appalling hazard to the whole escape. That must be my decision.
Hendley : You want to talk about hazards? Let talk about hazards. Lets talk about you. You're the biggest hazard we have. The Gestapo has you marked. No one has said you can't go.
Bartlett : That's true, and I have thought about the Gestapo. But if you're asking me how a far a commanding officer is allowed to go, or dare go, or should be permitted to play God, I can't answer you.

Movie: The Great Escape
Colin : Tea?
Hendley : I only drank tea once - in a hospital.

Movie: The Great Escape
Sergeant-Hauptmann Strachwitz : Your name?
Archibald 'Archie' Ives, 'The Mole' : Ives. [ Strachwitz looks through his prisoner profiles ]
Sergeant-Hauptmann Strachwitz : Ives... Ives... Oh, yes. Archibald Ives. Scot. The photograph doesn't do justice.
Archibald 'Archie' Ives, 'The Mole' : I'd like to see one of you under similar circumstances.

Movie: The Great Escape