The Great Escape Quote

Ramsey : Did the Gestapo give you a rough time?
Bartlett : Not nearly as rough as I now intend to give them.
Ramsey : Roger, personal revenge must be kept out of what we have to do here. Too many lives are at stake.
Bartlett : [ scoffing ] What my personal feelings are is of no importance. You appointed me Big X. And it's my duty to harass, confound, and confuse the enemy to the best of my ability.
Ramsey : That's true.
Bartlett : Well, that's what I intend to do. I'm going to cause such a terrible stink in this... Third Reich of theirs, that thousands of troops that could well be employed at the front will be tied up here looking after us.
Ramsey : How?
Bartlett : By putting more men out of this... "perfect" camp of theirs than have ever escaped before. Oh, not blitzing out two or three or a dozen, but two hundred, three hundred. Scatter them all over Germany.
Ramsey : Do you think that's possible?
Bartlett : Well, the men are here to do it. The goons have put every escape artist in Germany in this camp. You said so yourself.
Ramsey : Have you thought of what it might cost?
Bartlett : I've thought of the humiliation if we just... tamely submit. Knuckle under and crawl. Surely, you don't advocate that, do you, sir?
Ramsey : I have to point out one thing to you, Roger. No matter how unsatisfactory this camp may be, the High Command have still left us in the hands of the Luftwaffe. Not the Gestapo and the SS.
Bartlett : Look, sir, you talk about the High Command and the Luftwaffe, and then you talk about the Gestapo and the SS. To me, they're the same! We're fighting the bloody lot! There's only one way to put it, sir: they are the common enemies of everyone who believes in freedom.

Movie: The Great Escape


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