The Great Escape Quotes

Hendley : Right.
Bartlett : Dennis, maps and surveys. Colin, you'll take your usual job. Eric, have you thought how you're going to get rid of this dirt?
Lt. Cmdr. Eric 'Dispersal' Ashley-Pitt : Yes, I have. The usual places. I hadn't anticipated three tunnels, but we'll manage.
Sorren : Roger, who's going to handle security for all this?
Bartlett : You are. I want a system of stooges covering this compound from front to back, checking every goon in and out. I want a signal system so perfect that if ever a ferret gets within fifty feet of any of the huts in which we're working, we can shut down without a sign.

Movie: The Great Escape
Flight Lt. William Dickes "The Tunneler" : This is the dirt from the compound.
Danny : This is from the tunnel. [ Mac takes a handful of tunnel dirt and sprinkles it onto the mound from the compound ]
MacDonald : Wherever we put it, they're going to spot it a mile away.
Flight Lt. William Dickes "The Tunneler" : Well, maybe we could put it under the huts. The dirt's dark there.
MacDonald : Nah. No, it's the first place the ferrets would look. I saw one measuring the height under a hut yesterday.
Flight Lt. William Dickes "The Tunneler" : Well, maybe we could dry it out the same color.
Danny : We'll have fifty tons of it.
Flight Lt. William Dickes "The Tunneler" : Well, I was just thinking out loud.
Bartlett : If you must think, for God's sake, think clearly. Where the devil is Ashley-Pitt?
MacDonald : We can't destroy the dirt, and we can't eat it. The only thing left to do is... camouflage it. That's as far as my thinking takes me. [ Ashley-Pitt enters ]
Bartlett : Didn't they teach you promptness in the R.N.?
Lt. Cmdr. Eric 'Dispersal' Ashley-Pitt : You'll never believe it, but I think I have the solution. The problem is somehow to get rid of this tunnel dirt over the compound.
Bartlett : Well, of course.
Lt. Cmdr. Eric 'Dispersal' Ashley-Pitt : Would you mind? [ Eric hands Danny and Willie a blanket, which they set on the floor, while Eric gets his contraption ready ]
Lt. Cmdr. Eric 'Dispersal' Ashley-Pitt : Now... you fill these bags with the dirt from the tunnel. Then, wearing them *inside* your trousers, you wander out into the compound, where you pull these strings in your pockets. Out come the pins... [ Eric pulls the pins out to demonstrate ] <

Movie: The Great Escape
Sedgwick : [ On his reason for standing by the shower ] I'm watching him. I'm a lifeguard.

Movie: The Great Escape