The Human Zoo Quote

Narrator: Our attention is drawn to George, who's fast becoming somewhat of a favorite among group members. Richard isn't; and George is winding him up. [Interview with Richard after the three days at the Human Zoo are over]
Richard: I thought, aw God, I'm never gonna get on with this guy, he's gonna drive me 'round the bend about, you know, his bloody make-up and probably goin' off to the toilet every five minutes, as women do. [Cut to interview with George after the three days at the Human Zoo are over]
George: [shaking his head and laughing] I had absolutely no idea of what Richard thought of me. He's told me - since - what he thought of me.
Richard: I wasn't gonna let him know that, you know, he was irritatin' me in the first instants.

Movie: The Human Zoo


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