The Imitation Game Quote

John Cairncross: What's wrong?
Alan Turing: What if... what if I don't fancy being with Joan in that way?
John Cairncross: Because you're a homosexual? I suspected.
Alan Turing: Sh- should I tell her that I've had affairs with men?
John Cairncross: You know, in my admittedly limited experience, women tend to be a bit touchy about accidentally marrying homosexuals. Perhaps not spreading this information about might be in your best interest.
Alan Turing: I care for her, I truly do, but... I-I just don't know if I can pretend...
John Cairncross: You can't tell anyone, Alan. It's illegal. And Denniston is looking for any excuse he can to put you away.
Alan Turing: I know.
John Cairncross: This has to stay a secret.

Movie: The Imitation Game


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