The Imitation Game Quote

Stewart Menzies: Burn everything.
Hugh Alexander: Burn? Why?
Stewart Menzies: You were told when you started this was a Top Secret program. Did you think we were joking?
Hugh Alexander: But the war is over.
Stewart Menzies: *This* war is. But there'Il be others.
Alan Turing: And we know how to break a code that everybody else believes is unbreakable.
Stewart Menzies: Precisely. Tear it down, light it up. Sweep away the ashes. None of you have ever met before. None of you have ever even heard the word Enigma. Have a safe trip home.
Stewart Menzies: [as they rise to go]Behave. With a bit of luck, you'll never have to see me or one another again for the rest of your lives...

Movie: The Imitation Game


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