The Irate Gamer Quotes

Evil Gamer: Mind if I play?
The Irate Gamer: Sorry, man, it's just a one player game.
Evil Gamer: Well that sucks.

Movie: The Irate Gamer
The Irate Gamer: [entering 30-life code] Alright, let's do this. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start! Yes! [nothing happens]
The Irate Gamer: Whoops, I should probably switch to the start up screen first.

Movie: The Irate Gamer
The Irate Gamer: [after putting the Noid into perspective] Now, the commercials were cool and all, but... [interrupted constantly by the Noid appearing and laughing]
The Irate Gamer: but whose bright idea was it to give this guy his own video game? I mean, talk about selling out. You know this was a disaster just waiting to happen. [the Noid laughs again and the Gamer hits him on the head with a frying pan, knocking him out]

Movie: The Irate Gamer
The Irate Gamer: [after talking about Super Mario Advance] So, now that we have the newer version, we can now destroy the original.
Evil Gamer: [pulling a gun on him] That's exactly what I was thinking.
The Irate Gamer: [shocked] What the hell do you think you're doing?
Evil Gamer: Face it, your reviews suck! I'm taking over and destroying the original.
The Irate Gamer: But you can't do that!
Evil Gamer: Ha! Just watch me.

Movie: The Irate Gamer
The Irate Gamer: Why is someone like Indiana Jones such a push over against little spiders? If this game was called Rick Moranis and the Temple of Doom, I could understand, but Harrison Ford? Come on.

Movie: The Irate Gamer