The Last of Robin Hood Quotes

Errol Flynn: I'm dying, Woodsey.
Beverly Aadland: No you're not.
Errol Flynn: I am. I feel it. I feel it.
Beverly Aadland: You are not.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: Beverly, I know flirting when I see it and that was flirting.
Beverly Aadland: What am I supposed to do? He was talking to me. I was only talking back.
Errol Flynn: While you're here, making this movie with me, you behave appropriately. Got it?
Beverly Aadland: What are you, my parent?
Errol Flynn: Don't dare try that with me.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: Oh, Woodsey, this is the monstrosity in love, lady, that the desire is boundless, and the act, a slave to limit.
Beverly Aadland: Who said that, William Shakespeare?
Errol Flynn: Yes, how did you guess?
Beverly Aadland: It sounded corny.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Beverly Aadland: I'll just go, you can't stop me.
Florence Aadland: You just try it, missy and you see how far you'd get.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: You don't have to remind me, sport. I live with it every day. In like Flynn. It'll be my epitaph.
Melvin Belli: That's exactly why they're gonna throw the book at you. And the studio can't protect you anymore.
Errol Flynn: Belli, you're a lawyer and I pay you quite handsomely to think like that. But at the end of the day, I don't give a damn. Do you know what doctor once told me, that if I didn't give up the drink and the drugs and the wild ways, I'll have 6 months to live. That was 10 years ago, and I lived every day and night as if it was my last.
Melvin Belli: That's what I love about you, Barron. I really do. Well, now you're gonna listen to me. Statutory rape, that's hard time.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Beverly Aadland: He's my fiancÚ, not yours.
Florence Aadland: Well, obviously...
Beverly Aadland: So stay out of it.
Florence Aadland: Just how far do you think you would've gotten with this thing if it weren't for me?
Beverly Aadland: What thing?
Florence Aadland: The thing for you and Errol. Do you how much of sacrifice so that you two can be together? How much I've...
Beverly Aadland: It has nothing to do with you. Nothing.
Florence Aadland: I've lost my home, my marriage, my husband...
Beverly Aadland: You did it all for yourself.
Florence Aadland: I did it for you!
Beverly Aadland: Leave us alone.
Florence Aadland: Oh! Don't you... You come back here! Come back here. You... What? What are you looking at? You too. Mind your own business.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Florence Aadland: This is her shot, you can't say no.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Melvin Belli: Are you out of your fucking mind?
Errol Flynn: Yeah, you bet. And loving every minute of it.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Beverly Aadland: What are you doing?
Florence Aadland: What do you mean? Oh. It's okay. Oh, It's okay. Madge is good people. And she's been following your career.
Beverly Aadland: It's private.
Florence Aadland: Don't you talk to me that way.
Madge: I'll see you ladies later.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Beverly Aadland: Why do you keep telling everyone? It's none of their business.
Florence Aadland: I know who I can trust and who I can't.
Beverly Aadland: No, you don't.
Florence Aadland: Yes, I do. And look, just because you're engaged to Errol, doesn't mean that you own him lock, stock and barrel. He's my friend, too.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: Florence, I love Beverly as much as I've ever loved anyone. And for some reason, she loves me. Really, she loves me. So please, try to find it in your heart to forgive me.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: Do me a favor, would you, darling? and bring me that flask?
Beverly Aadland: I think you should drink water.
Errol Flynn: Water is for swimming and I told you that.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: How did her audition for you go?
Stanley Kubrick: Not well.
Errol Flynn: Oh, you're not gonna find a better Lolita. You can search all you want.
Stanley Kubrick: No dice, Errol. Besides, she's too old.
Errol Flynn: It's a shame. I think you oughta rethink this, Kubrick, because, you see, we're sort of a package deal.
Stanley Kubrick: You're not serious? Well, that makes things... awkward.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Cynthia Gould: So, how do you like Vancouver?
Beverly Aadland: Oh, it's beautiful. We really like it.
Cynthia Gould: Can I ask how old you are, Beverly?
Beverly Aadland: I'm 21.
Cynthia Gould: Really? You look younger. I was only 18, when I met Kenneth and we were in high school.
Beverly Aadland: Excuse me. I'm sorry. I'm going to check on Errol.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Dr. Grant Gould: [phone rings and he picks up]Hello.
George Caldough: Hey, doc, It's George. Are you busy? I have someone with me who needs looking at.
Dr. Grant Gould: Is it urgent?
George Caldough: I don't know. It might be. And get this, it's Errol Flynn.
Dr. Grant Gould: Oh. Okay. Bring him straight away. [hangs up]

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Middle Aged Man: I've seen all your movies. The Seawhawk was my favorite. I-I saw that, like, 5 times.
Errol Flynn: Really? I could barely get through it once.
Middle Aged Man: Oh, but you're such a great actor, Mr. Flynn. Thank you.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Florence Aadland: [On the phone. Beverly is trying her hardest to stay asleep]She's not great. She's only been sleeping about 2 hours at a time. And she doesn't eat... I didn't know what was wrong. So, I took her to the doctor and the doctor said that she's grief-stricken.
Ronnie Shedlo: Well, she's been through a lot.
Florence Aadland: I know, Ronnie. I know. That's why I thought it would be a good idea for her to just... you know, throw herself into something. Like her career. Take advantage of all the attention. In fact, there's a guy out in Glendale who wants her to appear in his nightclub. [Beverly tosses to the other side]
Florence Aadland: It's just the ticket for Bev, I think.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Bartender ( Spotlight Bar): Errol Flynn. They don't make him like that anymore.
Florence Aadland: He's... he's a rascal, that one.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Cuban Girl: Are all you Americans so bloodthirsty? This isn't even your war.
Beverly Aadland: I don't even know who those guys Batista and Castro are. That's your problem. But the man I'm gonna marry is out there in that stinking lousy jungle hiding. And if he has a reason for it, so can I.
Cuban Girl: I wish some of the Cubans felt as strong as you do.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Beverly Aadland: How do you do?
Orry Kelly: I'm very well, thank you. I'm Orry Kelly; doing costumes on 'Too Much too soon' over on stage 8. And there's a certain someone over there who would very much like to meet you.
Beverly Aadland: Who?
Orry Kelly: Errol Flynn. You know who he is, don't you.
Beverly Aadland: Sure. Robin Hood.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: Hello, Florence. I know, I know you're angry and you have every reason to be. I am the devil incarnate.
Florence Aadland: I can have you thrown in jail.
Errol Flynn: Please don't be joking.
Florence Aadland: Oh, I'm not joking. You lied to me. You blatantly lied to me; to my face about what you were up to with my baby.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
[last lines]Florence Aadland: Bev, you're still so young. When you get to be my age, you'll realize that life just goes by a minute. This is our chance to make our mark. All those-those people that are clocking their tongues at us, they don't have what we have, they don't have a real story. A love story that will stand the test of time. People will know who we are 100 years from now.
Beverly Aadland: But none of that matters once you're gone. Look at Errol.
Florence Aadland: Look at Errol. He is still here because he's Robin Hood, the swashbuckler and people remember.
Beverly Aadland: Have you signed anything with him?
Florence Aadland: Not yet.
Beverly Aadland: Well, don't. Promise me that you won't.
Florence Aadland: Oh, Beverly.
Beverly Aadland: Promise me or you'll never see me again. [pause]
Florence Aadland: Alright. I promise.
Beverly Aadland: Thank you. I love you, mom.
Florence Aadland: I love you, baby. [they hold each others hands]

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
[first lines]TV News Reporter: [pacing on the tarmac recording his report]The world is reeling. Errol Flynn, movie star, matinee idol, notorious ladies' man, is dead at the age of 50. The hero of a generation, equally known for his swashbuckling in public and in private. He died true to form, in the arms of a much younger girlfriend. Now, all of America is asking, Who is the girl?

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Florence Aadland: [after watching Beverly's debut film]I gave you up for five months and that's it?
Beverly Aadland: I had a great time...
Florence Aadland: That's not the point, is it?
Errol Flynn: I don't know, Florence, I think perhaps happiness *is* the point. At the end of the day, more important than stardom and Hollywood. Fame is like a religion in this godless country. It only provides the public with idols that they can worship and then tear down as the mood strikes them.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn: I'm far too old for her. But sadly, she's not too young for me.

Movie: The Last of Robin Hood