The Last of the High Kings Quote

[Cathleen Griffin furiously confronts her next-door neighbor after he shoo'ed her youngest daughter off their adjoining wall]
Cathleen: You! You! Yes, you with the head on ya! Get over here! How dare you order my child down from her own family wall!
Mr. Figgis: Mrs. Griffin, I have no desire to be confrontational...
Cathleen: This is our wall and my children have every right to walk on it whenever they wish!
Mr. Figgis: All I'm saying is that my wife and family deserve a little privacy. This little girl is walking the wall, making gestures at my children. Now, surely you can see that this is...
Cathleen: Let me tell you something. These are Griffin children. Pure Irish blood, descended from the High Kings of Ireland! They can walk their Celtic wall any time they want, day or night! We're a free people now! No thanks to the likes of you. Why don't you hump off back to Britain!
Mr. Figgis: You seem to be under a misconception as to my nationality.
Cathleen: You're a Proddy, aren't you!
Mr. Figgis: I am Protestant; I am not British!
Cathleen: Well, let me tell you something. My country has been a Republic for nearly thirty years and I'm not about to let our sovereignty be undermined by a bunch of blow-ins.
Mr. Figgis: Madam, I was born and raised in Ireland. I am Irish through-and-through. I am not British, and I did not order this little girl down from her precious wall! I merely requested politely that she refrain from spying on my family.
Cathleen: Spying! Spying, is it?
Mr. Figgis: Well, all I meant...
Cathleen: Oh, yes! The Brits accusing the Irish of spying! Well, this is one fami

Movie: The Last of the High Kings


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