The Little Colonel Quote

Miss Lloyd Sherman: Mom Beck?
Becky Porter: What, honey?
Miss Lloyd Sherman: What's a poorhouse?
Becky Porter: Oh, that's the place where they send people who got no money.
Miss Lloyd Sherman: Is it nice?
Becky Porter: No, honey. It's a terrible place. The people there wear rags, and all they get to eat is corn dodgers out of tin pans.
Miss Lloyd Sherman: Then I don't want my mother to have to go there.
Becky Porter: Oh, why, honey child, your mother won't never have to go to no poorhouse. We wouldn't let that happen, would we, Brother Walker?
Walker: I should say not.
Becky Porter: Now don't you worry your pretty little head about things like that. The Lord always provides.
Walker: Amen!

Movie: The Little Colonel


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