The Little Mermaid Quotes
Sebastian: Ariel, you're under a lot of pressure down here. Come with me, I'll take you home and get you something warm to drink.
Movie: The Little Mermaid
Scuttle: It's a dinglehopper. Humans use these little babies... to straighten their hair out. See? Just a little twirl here and a yank there and voila. You've got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over.
Movie: The Little Mermaid
Ursula: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it! It's too easy! The child is in love with a human. And not just any human. A prince! [Laughs]
Ursula: Her daddy'll love that. King Triton's headstrong, lovesick girl would make a charming addition to my little garden.
Ursula: Her daddy'll love that. King Triton's headstrong, lovesick girl would make a charming addition to my little garden.
Movie: The Little Mermaid