The Powerpuff Girls Quote

[Him interrupts the fight between the Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys]
Him: [effeminate voice] Hello, girls!
Powerpuff Girls: [gasp] Him!
Him: So nice to see you again! How's things? Not so good? Having a little boy trouble, hmm? Or should I say... [demonic voice]BIG boy trouble?!
[The Boys - now huge after being kissed by the Girls several times - land behind Him]
Him: [effeminate] Hello, Boys. [demonic]You're doing just fine.[to the Girls, effeminate] So, how does it feel, Girls, to know defeat is just around the corner... [demonic]and victory for me is at hand?!
Blossom: So you're behind this, Him! What did you do to make our kisses powerless?!
Him: [effeminate] Oh, that. That's my little secret. You see, I realized that the Boys' only weakness [demonic]was your pathetic little kisses. And since I[effeminate] knew you would resort to that, I added a little something extra: a cootie vaccination! "Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot; now you have a cootie shot!" [laughs] I got the spell off the Internet.

TV Show: The Powerpuff Girls


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