The Problem with Honor Quote

[from trailer]Susan Moore-Brown: Sir this trial will take over a year. The presidential election will be well over before the verdict. This trial is greater than any political consideration.
Anthony Morrison: After everything my whole life, my whole presidency will be defined by what happens in this court room. If they are not found guilty it will fall on my head and yours. Your political career needs to be one defined by justice.
Susan Moore-Brown: Mr. president this trial is about justice. The rule of law must enforce justice. I will do what I can within the confines of the Keatan justice system. We can not go in hoping to obtain vengeance.
Anthony Morrison: They are the worst sort of creatures. We must make them accountable. There is not a being that has been spared the touch of their crimes. Justice must be served.
Susan Moore-Brown: Justice will have it's day.

Movie: The Problem with Honor


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