The Rescue Quote

Al Haynes: Okay, Sioux. We dumped fuel down to 37. And with four in the cockpit, that's 296 souls on board. [pause]
Chris Porter: Uh... 232 Heavy, copy, 292 souls on board plus four in the cockpit, and 37 thousands pounds of fuel. Roger sir, continue approach.
Mack Zubinski: This is Sioux Tower, to all rescue units, we have an Alert Three. I say again, we are declaring an Alert Three. A DC-10 in emergency approach. 296 souls on board. 35 miles Northeast.
Gary Brown: Sioux Tower, Rescue One, Roger your Alert Three. We're calling every unit in the tri-state area.
Chris Porter: Rescue One, Roger. You've got about 15 minutes to get them here.
Gary Brown: Attention all units: this is Tri-State Rescue Net, Sioux Gateway is now in Alert Three. I repeat, Sioux Gateway is now on Alert Three. It's a DC-10, 35 miles North. May not be able to make the runway. Roll all units, this is not a drill! I repeat: this is not a drill!

Movie: The Rescue


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