The Signal Quote

Nic: The truth of the matter? What is the truth of the matter here? The only thing I know for certain is that you don't know what you're dealing with. You will be pulled from this shitty little shack you call a research facility so fast that the only thing relevant to be shown for any of this is the way it's all exposed, wrecked, and forgotten. You have *no* idea! You have no clue! Do you? Have any clue how fast dumb, lost little kids like me, Jonah, or Nomad could ruin a place like this? Have it come grinding to a halt like the stone wheel it is? You're clueless law in the Wild West, Damon. You're a relic protecting ruins. You're pathetic! The truth of the matter is that I'm the only one that has any sense around here.

Movie: The Signal


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