The Thomas Crown Affair Quotes

Catherine Banning: Men make women messy.

Movie: The Thomas Crown Affair
Detective Michael McCann: Monet's unknown masterpiece, Dogs At Cards.

Movie: The Thomas Crown Affair
John: Tommy, that's a hundred thousand dollars on a goddam golf swing!
Thomas Crown: It's a beautiful Saturday morning, John... What the hell else have we gotta do?

Movie: The Thomas Crown Affair
The Psychiatrist: I want you to talk about women. [waits for a few moments]
The Psychiatrist: Mr. Crown?
Thomas Crown: I'm sorry?
The Psychiatrist: Women. You get to talk about women.
Thomas Crown: Oh, I enjoy women.
The Psychiatrist: Enjoyment isn't intimacy.
Thomas Crown: And intimacy isn't necesarily enjoyment.
The Psychiatrist: How would you know? Has it occured to you that you have a problem with trust?
Thomas Crown: [smirking] I trust myself implicitly.
The Psychiatrist: But can other people trust you?
Thomas Crown: Oh, you mean society at large?
The Psychiatrist: I mean women, Mr.Crown.
Thomas Crown: Yes, a woman could trust me.
The Psychiatrist: Good. Under what extraordinary circumstances would you allow that to happen?
Thomas Crown: A woman could trust me as long as her interests didn't run too contrary to my own.
The Psychiatrist: And society? If ITS interests should run counter to your own? [Crown smiles]

Movie: The Thomas Crown Affair
[Catherine looks out the plane window at a tropical island]
Catherine Banning: That island isn't Manhattan.
Thomas Crown: It's not?
Catherine Banning: I have appointments.
Thomas Crown: Wanna keep 'em?

Movie: The Thomas Crown Affair