The Three Musketeers Quotes

[five Cardinal's guards ride up as Athos and D'Artagnan prepare to duel]

Athos: Only a fool would try and arrest us twice in one day.

Guard: You're under arrest.

Aramis, Porthos: A fool.

Guard: Are you coming peacefully or do you intend to resist?

Porthos: Oh don't be so stupid, of course we intend to resist! Just give us a moment, all right?
[to his comrades: ]

Porthos: Five of them, three of us. Hardly seems fair.

Aramis: Maybe we should give them a chance to surrender.

D'Artagnan: Excuse me, but there's four of us.

Athos: It's not your fight. You're not a Musketeer.

D'Artagnan: I may not wear the tunic, but I believe I have the heart of a Musketeer.

Porthos: Warrior!

Aramis: Poet!

Athos: You got a name, boy?

D'Artagnan: D'Artagnan.

Athos: Athos, Porthos, Aramis.

Porthos: Pleased to meet you again.

Aramis: Pleasure.

Porthos: Everyone acquainted?
[the four whirl around and unsheathe their swords]

Porthos: NOW, we are prepared to resist you!

Movie: The Three Musketeers
[the Musketeers have unwittingly rescued the Duke of Buckingham from Richilieu's men]

Duke of Buckingham: Thank you for your assistance, gentlemen.

Porthos: Who was that fellow we saved?

Athos: I don't know; but he sounded a bit foreign, did he not?

Movie: The Three Musketeers
[the Queen is alone, contemplating a map of the world]

Cardinal Richelieu: Homesick?

Queen Anne: Cardinal Richelieu. You surprised me.

Cardinal Richelieu: I often have that effect on people. I can't imagine why, I'm really a very gentle person. You seem a little unhappy in your new home.

Queen Anne: Lonely. Is that the same thing?

Cardinal Richelieu: Austria's loss is France's gain.

Queen Anne: I'm not sure the King shares your opinion. We've barely spoken since our wedding day. Whenever we're together he seems so... uncertain.

Cardinal Richelieu: Arranged marriages can be difficult. Your father and I thought yours would bring Austria and France closer together.

Queen Anne: Well countries align more swiftly than people, I'm afraid.

Cardinal Richelieu: What a pity. Love is, I think... wasted on the young.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
[the three musketeers and D'Artagnan are escaping from the Cardinal's men in his own coach]

Porthos: Champagne?

Athos: We're in the middle of a chase, Porthos.

Porthos: You're right - something red.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
[to Athos, in a whisper]

Milady: There was a time when I would have given my life for a kind word from you.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
[after dropping a group of the Cardinal's guards with a chandelier]

Porthos: Did I miss anyone?

Aramis: Congratulations, Porthos. You brought down the house.

Porthos: Oh, drat. I was trying to hit Rochefort.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
[Aramis is unconscious after being shot at by the Cardinal, Porthos is trying to revive him]

Athos: Is he dead?
[Porthos moves the crucifix round Aramis' neck and Aramis regains consciousness violently]

Athos: Gently! Gently!

Aramis: [groans and looks at the crucifix which stopped the bullet] See? There is a God.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
[the Queen is alone, contemplating a map of the world]

Cardinal Richelieu: Homesick?

Queen Anne: Cardinal Richelieu. You surprised me.

Cardinal Richelieu: I often have that effect on people. I can't imagine why, I'm really a very gentle person. You seem a little unhappy in your new home.

Queen Anne: Lonely. Is that the same thing?

Cardinal Richelieu: Austria's loss is France's gain.

Queen Anne: I'm not sure the King shares your opinion. We've barely spoken since our wedding day. Whenever we're together he seems so... uncertain.

Cardinal Richelieu: Arranged marriages can be difficult. Your father and I thought yours would bring Austria and France closer together.

Queen Anne: Well countries align more swiftly than people, I'm afraid.

Cardinal Richelieu: What a pity. Love is, I think... wasted on the young.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Aramis: The treaty outlines the Cardinal's plans to forge an alliance with Buckingham.

Porthos: No mention of the King?

Aramis: None. However, the arrangement is contingent upon a demonstration of the Cardinal's power.

D'Artagnan: Demonstration? What kind of demonstration?

Aramis: I don't know.

Athos: I know someone who does.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Aramis: The treaty outlines the Cardinal's plans to forge an alliance with Buckingham.

Porthos: No mention of the King?

Aramis: None. However, the arrangement is contingent upon a demonstration of the Cardinal's power.

D'Artagnan: Demonstration? What kind of demonstration?

Aramis: I don't know.

Athos: I know someone who does.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Athos: [the musketeers break into the main hall] I hope we're no interuptting!

Rochefort: [Rochefort draws his sword] No on the contrary. You're right on time!
[the duel begins]

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Athos: I fight just as well with my left hand. If you find that this places you at a disadvantage, I do apologize.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Athos: Sabine! I thought you were dead.

Milady: Cardinal Richelieu took pity on me.

Athos: You're the spy?

Milady: I have learned the value of lies. They have kept me alive.

Athos: [pointing a pistol at her] The treaty. Give it to me.

Milady: No.

Athos: I will shoot!

Milady: Be kind. Aim for my heart.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Athos: Your manners have not improved yet. You're late.

D'Artagnan: You in a hurry to die?

Athos: [Porthos and Aramis arrive] Here come the grave diggers now.

Porthos: Athos, you cannot fight this boy.

Athos: Why not?

Porthos: I'm fighting him.

D'Artagnan: Not until 1 o'clock.

Aramis: I have a duel with him too.

D'Artagnan: Not until 2 o'clock.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Bad Guy: It's Porthos the Pirate! AAAAH!
[the bad guys jump overboard]

D'Artagnan: Pirate?

Porthos: I told you I was famous.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Cardinal Richelieu: Tell me, D'Artagnan. What noble business brings you here?

D'Artagnan: I came to join the King's Musketeers.

Cardinal Richelieu: [slyly] Bad timing.

D'Artagnan: So I've heard.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Cardinal Richelieu: Who is the man that accuses you?

Bonacieux: [Rochefort enters and Bonacieux points at him] That! That is the man!

Count Rochefort: Take him away.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Constance: [pointing a gun at D'Artagnan] Have you any idea what you've done?

D'Artagnan: I've saved you and your friend from these bandits.

Constance: *These bandits* are the Queen's own bodyguard.

D'Artagnan: The Queen? I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Constance: What's your name?

D'Artagnan: D'Artagnan.

Constance: D'Artagnan. A Gascon?

D'Artagnan: I've come to Paris to join the Musketeers.

Constance: Then I'm sure I'll be hearing your name again.

D'Artagnan: Would that please you?

Constance: Ladies in waiting are forbidden to socialise with Musketeers.

D'Artagnan: Well, I'm not a Musketeer yet.

Constance: With that kind of courage you will be one soon enough. Good luck D'Artagnan. And thank you for the amusement, I enjoyed it immensely.

D'Artagnan: Wait! You didn't tell me your name!

Constance: Constance!

Movie: The Three Musketeers
D'Artagnan: All I want to do is get to Paris, and join the King's Musketeers.

Girard: You, a Musketeer? Fantasy!

D'Artagnan: My father was a Musketeer. The King's personal bodyguard.

Girard: The King was assassinated. Your father was a failure; a disgrace to the Musketeers.

D'Artagnan: What did you say?

Girard: Your father was a disgrace!

Movie: The Three Musketeers
D'Artagnan: She's a walking post office.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
D'Artagnan: So what do we do now? What's next?

Porthos: Well, we protect the King.

Aramis: Protect the Queen.

Porthos: In the name of God. And France, correct?

Aramis: France indeed.
[Girard and his brothers have caught up with D'Artagnan. At the other end of the street they draw swords]

Girard: D'Artagnan! My sister's honor will not wait a moment longer.

D'Artagnan: I'll handle this.

Porthos: D'Artganan, we also protect each other.

D'Artagnan: All for one.

Aramis, Porthos, Athos: And one for all.
[Girard's eyes widen]

Girard: RUN!
[Girard and co are pursued by all the musketeers]

Movie: The Three Musketeers
D'Artagnan: The Cardinal! We have to hurry!

Porthos: You two have a date?

D'Artagnan: No, it's the Cardinal! He's conspiring against the King!

Aramis: Tell us something we don't know.

D'Artagnan: He sent a messenger with a secret treaty to a man named Buckingham.

Porthos: The Duke of Buckingham?

D'Artagnan: Do you know him?

Aramis: He rules England the way the Cardinal rules France.

D'Artagnan: There's a ship called the Persephone. It's waiting in Calais to take the messenger to England. It sails Tuesday, midnight.

Porthos: If we get that treaty, we can prove the Cardinal guilty of treason.

Aramis: Calais is over 200 leagues from here.

Athos: Is the Cardinal aware of the fact that you have this information?

D'Artagnan: Yes.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Donald Duck: Musketeers need guys like me that are brave.

Mickey Mouse: [not understanding Donald] Yeah and guys that are brave, too.

Donald Duck: That's what I said. Brave.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Duke of Buckingham: [the Musketeers have unwittingly rescued the Duke of Buckingham from Richilieu's men] Thank you for your assistance, gentlemen.
[quickly exits]

Porthos: [looks after him, then to Athos] Who was that?

Athos: I don't know, but he sounded a touch foreign to me. Didn't he?

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Jussac: [while dueling] Why don't you use your right hand, Athos?

Athos: I save my right hand for my drinking.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Jussac: [while dueling] Why don't you use your right hand, Athos?

Athos: I save my right hand for my drinking.

Movie: The Three Musketeers
King Louis: You've failed.

Cardinal Richelieu: Oh, you're so naive. Things couldn't be more perfect if I planned them myself. The King of France dies at the hands of his own personal guard. Grief stricken, terrified, the hudled masses turn for comfort to their devout spiritual leader who, ever so humbly, assumes the throne. With the Queen by his side.

Queen Anne: I would rather die!

Cardinal Richelieu: That can be arranged!

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Lady de Winter: But, your grace, how can you trust me with such a confidence? What if I refuse to go to England?

Richelieu: Can there be anybody more trustworthy, Milady, than an ambitious woman of fashion... with a history?

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Mickey Mouse: This is it guys, when these doors open, we got to make a very first impression.
[Donald stands, Goofy licks hair, then stands]

Mickey Mouse: Okay guys, we're on duty, and this place will be crawling with bad guys.

Donald Duck: Bad guys?

Mickey Mouse: [seriously] So, stay alert!

Donald Duck: [to Goofy] You heard him! Stay alert!

Goofy: Aye-aye sir!
[looks around, sees something strange with an ax]

Goofy: Bad guy! No! Whoa!

Mickey Mouse: Goofy!
[Goofy attacks himself]

Goofy: Gwarsh! He pulled an ax on me.
[Shows an ax]

Movie: The Three Musketeers
Mickey Mouse: Together we'll save the princess, or die trying.
[he and Goofy run off; Donald stays behind]

Donald Duck: Die?
[Mickey and Goofy return and drag Donald away]

Donald Duck: Die?

Movie: The Three Musketeers