The Venture Bros. Quote

Dr. Orpheus: : We must draw him out. Draw him from Hell with Hell. Quickly! What is the worst thing that's ever happened to you? (Points at Jefferson Twilight.)
Jefferson Twilight: : Um...I saw my mom raped by blackulas. I was 10. She called my name. I just stood there.
Dr. Orpheus: Um, wow. Wait, I can hear him. More ugliness?
Master Billy Quizboy: Once I saw two homeless guys giving each other oral sex.
Dr. Orpheus: Yes, he's closer! More like that.
The Alchemist: Okay, this is really gross. Once I was out of toilet paper, so I used cotton balls. So, you know, I'm wiping, and I think my finger kinda poked through the cotton. So I—and do not ask me why—I smell my finger to check.
Jefferson Twilight: Gross. I see where this is going.
Dr. Orpheus: Quickly, Al, he's so close!
The Alchemist: Okay, I bring it up to smell it, right. But somehow the cotton got stuck to my fingers, so when I smell my fingers, the cotton's getting stuck to my razor stubble. So then I have this shit-cotton all over my face!

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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