The West Wing Quote

[After Toby and Josh have both "resigned" after CJ's promotion]
Bartlet: I'll make this quick. I don't know if I'm comfortable working this closely with a woman. Maybe it's time for me to call it a day, give the VP a chance to steer the ship.
[CJ looks confused; after a moment, Toby starts giggling, which sets everyone off, and CJ realizes the prank]
Bartlet: [to Toby] You're weak. You have a weak will. You should have held it. See if she pulled out the Continuity of Government plan.
Will: He cracked up at the mere suggestion of the VP...
Toby: [Still giggling uncontrollably] I had a whole thing on spending time with my kids, I went up.
CJ: You are bad, bad men.
Bartlet: In the service of a vengeful god.
Will: On behalf of the Vice President and myself and every man who's ever had a Wonder Woman fantasy, it's a bright day.
CJ: Get out.

TV Show: The West Wing


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