The Young Ones Quote

Vyvyan's Mum: Well aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?
Vyvyan: Oh yeah. Uh, this is a friend of mine called Mike... uh... this is a friend of mine called Neil...
Neil: Hello.
Vyvyan: And that's a complete bastard I know called Rick.
Rick: [laughing] He's just joshing, Mrs. Vyvyan, we're actually terrific friends.
Vyvyan's Mum: Ooh-ah. He is a bastard, isn't he?
Rick: Tell me, Mrs Vyvyan, why did you give him a girl's name?
(Vyvyan punches Rick in the face, knocking him out of his chair and onto the floor. Vyvyan's Mum steps over to Rick and kicks him.]

TV Show: The Young Ones


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