Thunderstone Quotes

Noah Daniels: This is great. What makes it taste so sweet?
Geneva: Tree sap. Kwan likes sweet things.
Kwan: Thank you, Geneva. Let's keep my cooking secrets in the family.
Noah Daniels: Tastes a lot better than the soy beef we have at North Col.
Kwan: What's soy beef?
Noah Daniels: It's, um, uh, fake beef. You know, meat. The flesh of cattle.
Arushka: People eat animals? How could they?
Noah Daniels: People need protien. You must eat animals, too, don't you?
Arushka: There are no animals in Haven.

Movie: Thunderstone
Noah Daniels: Look at the kind of garbage they used to print. "Aliens kidnapped me." If you ask me, these old-timers had some really serious perception problems. Maybe it was a religion. See, there's nothing in the holo-education disks about this. All they say is that the possibility of alien lifeforms was a subject of interest. But this isn't an interest. This is a pathological obsession.

Movie: Thunderstone
Noah Daniels: Dr. Pretorious, you think other human beings survived the Nemesis Comet?
Dr. Pretorious: Some may have sheltered in caves or the like. Certainly there were other underground facilities like North Col in the world.
Noah Daniels: So, it's possible we're not alone.
Dr. Pretorious: One thing is certain: we'll never know as long as this impact winter lasts.

Movie: Thunderstone