Time Bandits Quote

[from trailer] [one man has supposedly been reading the trailer script, while the director has been correcting him. Now the frustrated director interrupts again]
Trailer director: What about the plot?
Trailer reader: The what?
Trailer director: The plot. What the film is about.
Trailer reader: Well I haven't *seen* it, have I?
Trailer director: Haven't seen it? You're sitting there telling millions of people to go and see a film you haven't even *seen*?
Trailer reader: Well, I can't see every film I do, now can I?
Trailer director: Oh, wonderful! Terrific! Look, give me that!
Trailer reader: What're you doing?
Trailer director: Taking over! You're out! O-U-T! Finished! Caput! Finito!
Trailer reader: But what about the trailer?
Trailer director: *I'll* do it! [clears throat]
Trailer director: Time Bandits is an awfully good film. We have worked ever so hard on it. It's a tremendous adventure story. We like it, and we're pretty sure you will.
Trailer reader: [snickers]
Trailer director: What's wrong with it? It's direct. Pungent. Honest.
Trailer reader: *Honest?* [laughs]
Trailer reader: Honest shmonest! What's that got to do with anything? [the trailer ends]

Movie: Time Bandits


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