Time Expired Quotes

Randall Zimmerman: Without parking enforcement, there would be complete chaos, and there's nothing worse than that.

Movie: Time Expired
Oli: You want to see assholes, try working in a sandwich shop.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: Actually, we refer to ourselves as parking enforcement officers.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: Professor Griffin, you're a very learned man.
Professor Griffin: Well, some might say that two masters and a Ph.D. constitute learned.

Movie: Time Expired
Jay: Sorry. I didn't realize I was giving a ride to the chief deputy of the noise patrol.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: I got to work today, Jay. It's game day. People are parking all over the place.

Movie: Time Expired
Corinna: Those quack doctors. They ain't got nothing on a mother's love. You can't learn that in medical school.

Movie: Time Expired
Dr. Stiglets: Making love can be more than just an act of reproduction. So much more.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: You know something? I think that this sandwich is the best part of my day.

Movie: Time Expired
Sasha: I don't think I'm reaching my full potential with Randall, if you know what I mean.
Dr. Stiglets: Full potential?
Sasha: I love him, but I don't lust him.

Movie: Time Expired
Vincent: I don't come here because I'm crazy. I mean, I do wash my hands a lot but that's all.

Movie: Time Expired
Jay: Two tickets. Europe. Thirteen countries. Five days. I hope you brought your passport to the danger zone.

Movie: Time Expired
Mr. Chesworth: Please. Nobody loves work.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: Chipotle mild was enough excitement for one evening.

Movie: Time Expired
Jay: It's not about the money. It's about the cool. As in what you used to be.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: Stuffing envelopes wasn't so bad. It was like what I'd been doing all along with the letters. Only without all the meaning and hope.

Movie: Time Expired
Professor Griffin: Do you have a talent? Is there something you care about more than anything else in the world?
Randall Zimmerman: I'm really good at parking enforcement.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: You keep your steak! I'll take my dignity.

Movie: Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman: I never really understood it much, but I like the way it sounds.

Movie: Time Expired
Mr. Chesworth: Aw, shit, that stuff's permanent.

Movie: Time Expired