Top Gear Quote

(voiceover) Jeremy: The next morning, we were told our problem would not be gunk, but dust, so James and I had to rethink our wardrobe solutions.
[Camera switches to show Jeremy heavily-clad in clothing]
Jeremy: I've teamed my kikoi with a bin liner, v-necked, last time I wore one of these, ah, I went to see The Clash.
(voiceover) Jeremy: Frankly, I all thought it was a bit much. I mean, How bad could this dust be?
[Camera switches to all Jeremy, Richard and James driving through a massive dust storm]
James: Oh god, this is awful, I can't even see Jezza already [coughs heavily]
(voiceover) Richard: Meanwhile in my unmodified Kadett...
[Camera switches to Richard in Oliver the Opel, who is unbothered by the dust due to refusing to strip his car out]
Richard: I'll adjust this quarterlight a bit, ah that's better.
Jeremy: Oh no, no, NO! Look at this bit now.
James: [his kikoy falls off] The kikoy's come off. [coughs heavily] Hello?
(voiceover) Jeremy: James and I made it through the dust with our lives considerably shortened.
Jeremy: [to James] I've got consumption and TB.
James: [coughs heavily]
Jeremy: I've got every single 1920's disease.

TV Show: Top Gear


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