Toy Story 3 Quote

[ first lines ] [ Mr. Potato Head, portraying One-Eyed Bart, jumps out of a train while carrying money sacks ]
Mr. Potato Head : [ laughs evily ] Ah, ha ha ha! Money, money, money! [ Woody lassoes a rope to grab the money from Mr. Potato Head's hands, then trips him ]
Woody : You've got a date with justice, One-Eyed Bart!
Mr. Potato Head : Too bad, Sheriff! I'm a married man! [ Mrs. Potato Head jumps onto the train, giving karate yells ]
Woody : One-Eyed Betty? [ Mrs. Potato Head chases Woody across the train tops, then uses nunchucks to knock him off. As the Potato Heads look and laugh evily, Woody suddenly reappears, riding Bullseye with Jessie ]
Jessie : I think you dropped something, mister!
Mr. Potato Head : Jessie?
Woody : Give it up, Bart! You've reached the end of the line!
Mr. Potato Head : I always wanted to go out with a bang! [ Mr. Potato Head presses a button on a remote, causing dynamite to blow up the bridge ]
Jessie : Oh, no!
Woody : The orphans! [ cut to a group of Troll dolls riding the train ]
Mr. Potato Head : Hate to leave early, but our ride is here! [ Three aliens drive up in a pink Barbie Corvette ]
Aliens : Ooh!
Mr. Potato Head : It's me or the kiddies, Sheriff! Take your pick! [ the Potato Heads jump into the convertible and drive off ]
Woody : Ride like the wind, Bullseye!

Movie: Toy Story 3


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