Undead Quote

Zach: [after going into the subway station and looks at the map, Zach passes the clock that is going wild and see the number six and goes left when a work guy come and pull the number six to swing it back into a number nine] [Sees Dwayne]
Zach: Hey.
Zach: [Dwayne looks up] I didn't mean to scare you.
Zach: I'm sorry.
Zach: Umm.
Zach: Do you know where the number six line is?
Zach: Stop down this way?
Dwayne: Number six?
Dwayne: Oh!
Dwayne: The number six!
Dwayne: Yeah!
Dwayne: Yeah!
Dwayne: I could show you.
Dwayne: I'll be happy to.
Dwayne: My pleasure.
Dwayne: It's... this way. [Points with thumb over shoulder behind him. Zach backs away slowly]
Dwayne: Come with me.
Zach: You don't have to show me. [Frowns]
Zach: [Dwayne in turns light and skin falls off to reveals bones and skull and Valentine pulls him out of it] [Valentine Enters with no smile then smiles small]
Zach: W - What-w-w-who...
Valentine: Valentine Cutter at your services, Zach. /or/ Sir
Zach: [sighs] W-what happen?
Valentine: What?
Zach: W-w-what was he doing?
Valentine: What do you think he was doing?
Zach: His face was it a skull.
Zach: [pauses] I know you.

Movie: Undead


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