Undead Quote

Valentine: [Shows wine being poured into wine glasses staked on top of each other and a cello being played as the quartet is playing and shows Valentine and his family, outside his new subway he build] I've built railroads all over the world.
Valentine: So when they proposed an underground railway, here in New York, I was one of the first to support it.
Valentine: Greatest money.
Valentine: Invested.
Valentine: And I became far wealthier than I have ever imagined I would be.
Valentine: I could provide my wife and my son.
Valentine: My son, John.
Valentine: I was the proudest man in New York, Zachary.
Valentine: And there were many proud men here.
Valentine: That's the greatest night of my life.
Valentine: We were going to the opera.
Valentine: But the Shadow Zone bekened.
Valentine: His name is Barnabus.
Valentine: He was more than a thousand years old.
Valentine: And had walked the world for fifty generations.
Valentine: Seen so much.
Valentine: Known so many great bonds.
Valentine: That evening... that evening was the last time I saw my son.
Zach: Well, so which one is Barnabus?
Valentine: He's no more.
Valentine: He wasn't tent of life you're under the streets.
Valentine: He saw an escape.
Valentine: Into the light of day.
Valentine: I wasn't quick enough to save h

Movie: Undead


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