United Quotes

[offers a bucket of licorice]
Captain Donald Cragen: You can't trust the computers. They get backed up and don't input the releases.
Detective Olivia Benson: That's why I talked to the watch captain and had then check personally to see if Spicer's still there.
Captain Donald Cragen: Well, why is this ours?
Detective Elliot Stabler: Doer sliced off the vic's unit. [spits out licorice]

Movie: United
Barry Moredock: It's a fact that Aptril causes anxiety and insomnia...
ADA Alexandra Cabot: I suffer from anxiety and insomnia. I don't go around killing people.

Movie: United
Wesley Dilbert: [Wesley is a necrophelliac] I knew she'd talk! You can't trust a woman with a pulse!

Movie: United
Jimmy Murphy: It's not about their memory. It's about showing who we are to the world, showing we'll not be bowed by tragedy. Because how we are in the future will be founded on how we behave today.

Movie: United
Jimmy Murphy: Football is a simple game. You win the ball, you pass the ball, you score a goal. All else is embellishment.

Movie: United
Bobby Charlton: What more do I need to do to get into the team?
Duncan Edwards: Keep working, keep smiling, time will come.
Bobby Charlton: That's easy for you to say with your England cap at seventeen. Everybody loves you, mighty Duncan Edwards.
Duncan Edwards: I went throught the same as you. And I grafted every hour of every day. I didin't get given a place in the team, I stole one. It's a struggle to get in the team, it's a struggle to stay in it. But if you don't have the guts to fight for that for the next fifteen years of your life, you best get on the train now. It'd be stupid, because you're bloody good actually.

Movie: United
Jimmy Murphy: [to one of the newly signed new players]Here you are. An hour till kick off. We'll find you a kit.

Movie: United