Vampire Bats Quote

Maddy Rierdon: WowWow, hang on Buster, I've got a better idea. You take Ramie to class and I'll take Violet, The students will love it.
Dan Dryer: You just don't want my sister watching the kids' right?
Maddy Rierdon: If she just looked after the kids that would be fine...
Dan Dryer: [sighs] Oh God.
Maddy Rierdon: You remember when my father was in the hospital and I went to stay with him. She rearranged all the furniture.
Dan Dryer: It's just furniture honey, so what.
Maddy Rierdon: IN EVERY ROOM OF THE HOUSE... She's like an over caffeinated Marry Poppins.

TV Show: Vampire Bats


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