Veronica Mars Quote

Veronica: What's this four-week gap here?
Mac: Oh, they went on a little sabbatical.
Veronica: Do you know why?
Mac: I suspect to torture me. Then they came back, and Cap'n Krunk wasn't on anymore and it blew, so I stopped listening.
Veronica: The show's still on?
Mac: A bastardized subpar version of the show is still on.
Veronica: Any way to find out where they're broadcasting from?
Mac: Yes. [she doesn't continue and Veronica gives a look] Sorry, I was just seeing how long we could have a conversation with your side only being questions. [Veronica scoffs] We can track the signal.
Veronica: I'd be interested to know if you have the capabilities to track said signal. [both laugh]
Mac: Look, I'm happy to be the "Q" to your Bond, but crime pays. Technologically assisted mystery solving costs. If you wanna play "Find the Crappy Radio Broadcast," Mama's gonna need a few things from Radio Shack.

TV Show: Veronica Mars


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