W.M.D. Quote

Captain Hank Garrison: Okay. So um... On three Jump off.
Private First Class Riggs: Whoa. Hang on. Hang on. What am I doing?
Captain Hank Garrison: You're the jump off part.
Sergeant Downy: May I should - I will pull him off. I will pull him this way.
Private First Class Riggs: No, no - I don't know if - No. I don't think that's gonna...
Sergeant Downy: No, I've done it before. It's okay.
Captain Hank Garrison: No, let him jerk you off. He'll get off on it.
Sergeant Downy: Come on, it will give you a little momentum. Pull you off. Come on.
Private First Class Riggs: Jesus Christ.
Captain Hank Garrison: Alrighty. On the count of three. You wanna count?
Sergeant Downy: Yeah, maybe you should count to three.
Captain Hank Garrison: But you have to ask yourself, is this where you wanna fuckin' die?
Private First Class Riggs: I'm not gonna count.
Sergeant Downy: He can't count to three. Come on. You count.
Captain Hank Garrison: No, I'm swinging. Count of three. Your count...
Private First Class Riggs: I'm not gonna count.
Sergeant Downy: Let me count it out.
Captain Hank Garrison: You count to three.
Sergeant Downy: Okay I'll count. Come on.
Captain Hank Garrison: On three. It's ON three. So it's, One. Two. And then go. Right? One. Two. Go.
Sergeant Downy: On three. Ready? Okay? One. Two. Three!

Movie: W.M.D.


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