War Room Quote

Miss Clara: Guide me to who you want me to help, raise up more that will call upon your name
Miss Clara: Raise up those that love you and seek you and trust you Raise them up Lord raise them up
Miss Clara: Lord we need a generation of believers Who are not ashamed of the gospel
Miss Clara: We need an Army of believers, Lord That hate to be lukewarm
Miss Clara: And will stand on your word above all else Raise them up, Lord Raise them up
Miss Clara: I pray for unity among those that love you I pray that you open their eyes so that they can see your truth Lord I pray for your hand of protection and guidance
Miss Clara: Raise up a generation Lord that will take light into this world... That will not compromise when under pressure... That will not cower Lord when others fall away
Miss Clara: Raise them up Lord that they will proclaim That there is Salvation in The name of Jesus Christ
Miss Clara: Raise up Warriors Lord who will fight on their knees... Who will worship you with their whole hearts,
Miss Clara: Lord Lord Call Us to Battle!
Miss Clara: That we may proclaim you King of Kings And Lord of Lords!
Miss Clara: I pray these things with all my heart!
Miss Clara: Raise them up Lord!
Miss Clara: Raise them up!
Miss Clara: AMEN!

Movie: War Room


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