Weeds Quote

The "Candyman" : You know what you are?
Nancy: What?
The "Candyman" : Skinny-fat. And what are we gonna do about that?
Nancy: We're gonna start exercising right away.
The "Candyman" : Don't humor me. I'm very serious. I used to weigh 314 pounds.
Nancy: Wow. Congratulations.
The "Candyman" : The key, exercise.
Nancy: You know, I'm not buying for personal use.
The "Candyman" : Are your customers just a bunch of Fatty McFat-Fats?
Nancy: Well they're smokers. But it stands to reason that if they eat rather than smoke, they can breathe easier should they decide to exercise.
The "Candyman" : That's a reasonable assumption.

TV Show: Weeds


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